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@vue-flow/monorepo • Docs

Interface: FlowProps ​

Properties ​

applyDefault? ​

optional applyDefault: boolean

apply default change handlers for position, dimensions, adding/removing nodes. set this to false if you want to apply the changes manually

Deprecated ​

  • will be removed in the next major version, changes will not be auto applied in the future

autoConnect? ​

optional autoConnect: boolean | Connector

automatically create an edge when connection is triggered

Deprecated ​

  • will be removed in the next major version

autoPanOnConnect? ​

optional autoPanOnConnect: boolean

autoPanOnNodeDrag? ​

optional autoPanOnNodeDrag: boolean

autoPanSpeed? ​

optional autoPanSpeed: number

connectOnClick? ​

optional connectOnClick: boolean

allow connection with click handlers, i.e. support touch devices

connectionLineOptions? ​

optional connectionLineOptions: ConnectionLineOptions

connectionLineStyle? ​

optional connectionLineStyle: null | CSSProperties

Deprecated ​


connectionLineType? ​

optional connectionLineType: null | ConnectionLineType

Deprecated ​

use ConnectionLineOptions.type

connectionMode? ​

optional connectionMode: ConnectionMode

connectionRadius? ​

optional connectionRadius: number

defaultEdgeOptions? ​

optional defaultEdgeOptions: DefaultEdgeOptions

does not work for the addEdge utility!

defaultMarkerColor? ​

optional defaultMarkerColor: string

defaultViewport? ​

optional defaultViewport: Partial<ViewportTransform>

deleteKeyCode? ​

optional deleteKeyCode: null | KeyFilter

disableKeyboardA11y? ​

optional disableKeyboardA11y: boolean

edgeTypes? ​

optional edgeTypes: EdgeTypesObject

either use the edgeTypes prop to define your edge-types or use slots (<template #edge-mySpecialType="props">)

edgeUpdaterRadius? ​

optional edgeUpdaterRadius: number

edges? ​

optional edges: Edge[]

edgesFocusable? ​

optional edgesFocusable: boolean

edgesUpdatable? ​

optional edgesUpdatable: EdgeUpdatable

elementsSelectable? ​

optional elementsSelectable: boolean

elevateEdgesOnSelect? ​

optional elevateEdgesOnSelect: boolean

elevates edges when selected and applies z-Index to put them above their nodes

elevateNodesOnSelect? ​

optional elevateNodesOnSelect: boolean

elevates nodes when selected and applies z-Index + 1000

fitViewOnInit? ​

optional fitViewOnInit: boolean

will be renamed to fitView

id? ​

optional id: string

isValidConnection? ​

optional isValidConnection: null | ValidConnectionFunc

maxZoom? ​

optional maxZoom: number

minZoom? ​

optional minZoom: number

modelValue? ​

optional modelValue: Elements<any, any, any, any>

all elements (nodes + edges)

Deprecated ​

use FlowProps.nodes & FlowProps.nodes instead

multiSelectionKeyCode? ​

optional multiSelectionKeyCode: null | KeyFilter

noDragClassName? ​

optional noDragClassName: string

noPanClassName? ​

optional noPanClassName: string

noWheelClassName? ​

optional noWheelClassName: string

nodeDragThreshold? ​

optional nodeDragThreshold: number

nodeExtent? ​

optional nodeExtent: CoordinateExtent | CoordinateExtentRange

nodeTypes? ​

optional nodeTypes: NodeTypesObject

either use the nodeTypes prop to define your node-types or use slots (<template #node-mySpecialType="props">)

nodes? ​

optional nodes: Node<any, any, string>[]

nodesConnectable? ​

optional nodesConnectable: boolean

nodesDraggable? ​

optional nodesDraggable: boolean

nodesFocusable? ​

optional nodesFocusable: boolean

onlyRenderVisibleElements? ​

optional onlyRenderVisibleElements: boolean

panActivationKeyCode? ​

optional panActivationKeyCode: null | KeyFilter

panOnDrag? ​

optional panOnDrag: boolean | number[]

move pane on drag, replaced prop paneMovable

panOnScroll? ​

optional panOnScroll: boolean

panOnScrollMode? ​

optional panOnScrollMode: PanOnScrollMode

panOnScrollSpeed? ​

optional panOnScrollSpeed: number

paneClickDistance? ​

optional paneClickDistance: number

Distance that the mouse can move between mousedown/up that will trigger a click

Default ​


preventScrolling? ​

optional preventScrolling: boolean

If set to false, scrolling inside the viewport will be disabled and instead the page scroll will be used

selectNodesOnDrag? ​

optional selectNodesOnDrag: boolean

selectionKeyCode? ​

optional selectionKeyCode: null | KeyFilter

selectionMode? ​

optional selectionMode: SelectionMode

snapGrid? ​

optional snapGrid: SnapGrid

snapToGrid? ​

optional snapToGrid: boolean

translateExtent? ​

optional translateExtent: CoordinateExtent

zoomActivationKeyCode? ​

optional zoomActivationKeyCode: null | KeyFilter

zoomOnDoubleClick? ​

optional zoomOnDoubleClick: boolean

zoomOnPinch? ​

optional zoomOnPinch: boolean

zoomOnScroll? ​

optional zoomOnScroll: boolean

Released under the MIT License.